Best wishes for 2017!
January 6, 2016
Health By Technology v1.0
February 5, 2016BOPP days 2016
We will be presenting CytoWeb 3.0 at the 9th BOPP – Belgian Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners – days which will be held in Blankenberge, Belgium on February 19 & 20 2016.
Check out he full program here.
BOPP organizes these annual days for hospital pharmacists involved in the preparation of anti-tumor medications.
We’ll demo our full integration with the BBraun oncology pumps. The data from CytoWeb is sent to the pump, which is automatically programmed after a patient scan, CytoWeb label scan and pump scan. We really hope to meet you there and we will be glad to show you what else we have been working on the past year.